Wend your way behind the residences and toward the large parking lot, hockey/basketball rink, and the paved path leading to Confederation college. As you leave the sport facilities behind (Fig. 7-1), on your right will be messy looking shrubs of pincherry (Prunus pensylvanica, Fig. 7-2), whose branches are covered with fruticose lichens (Fig. 7-3).
Continue a little further along the paved path to the grove of trembling aspens (Populus tremuloides - cousin of the European P. tremula) on the left (just beyond the cyclist in Fig. 7-1). A few inconspicuous crustose lichen species growing on the tree bark were marked with coloured pins. These are described below.
At this point, turn around, and head back past the ice rink, but keep right toward student residences and Avilla Center.