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Another protected area shielding two unusual trees is the three-sided enclosure of Ryan building. After pressing through the lower shrubs, you will see two large trees: Red mulberry (Morus rubra) (Fig. 11-1), native and common further South of the Lakehead region, it seems to thrive in this protected spot. It is deluged by birds, when producing sweet edible fruit (caution so you don't get "purple bombed"!).

Fig. 11-1 Red mulberry Morus rubra tree leafing out in the back, introduced Wiegela bush in front and mountain ash on the right.
Fig 11-2a Aggregate flowers and young leaves of the mulberry. The raspberry-like fruit is edible.

Also present at this site is introduced mature gingko tree (Gingko biloba Fig. 11-2), with its characteristic two-lobed leaves which turn brilliant yellow in Autumn. This dioecious species is probably a male, since it isn't producing messy seed crop in the Fall. A young tree has also been planted near the administrative offices in the Centennial building courtyard (Stop 4).

Fig 11-2 Gingko biloba buds in late April
Fig 11-2a Gingko biloba leaves in Autumn
Fig. 11-2b Freshly emerged leaves of Gingko

Also present are a few shrubs, likely self-seeded, of red elderberry (Sambucus americana, Fig. 11-3 also a and b).

Fig 11-3 Red elderberry buds in late April.
Fig 11-3a Red elderberry shrub in early Spring
Fig 11-3b Elderberry flower cluster