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Before returning to the starting point at parking lot #5, stop at the two lindens (Tilia cordata) and mountain ash tree (Sorbus sp.) between them, next to the heating plant of the university (with 2 large chimneys) (Fig. 13-1). Also in the vicinity are a paper birch and crab apple. Right in front of the Agora (main) entrance to the university are 2 imposing red oak trees (Quercus rubrum) (Fig. 13-2). All the way by the main entrance to the university are two trees of yew (either English Taxus baccata or Western T. brevifolia, both suffering from Winter damage, Fig 13-3).

Fig. 13-1 Linden and mountain ash trees next to the heating plant
Fig. 13-2 Red oak trees in front of the Agora (main university entrance)
Fig 13-3. Yew trees, the one in the background senescing.


The linden and mountain ash trees seem to be exposed to Winter sun and wind, causing extensive damage to the bark. The bark seems to be good substrate for lichens such as Physcia (Fig. 13-4). This one appears to be ciliate, hence most likely P. adscendens.

Fig 13-4 Physcia adscendens with long cilia
Fig. 13-4 Most likely Flavoparmelia caperata, common greenshield lichen
Fig. 13-5 detail of above at 0.7x. Flavopunctelia soredica = powder edged speckled greenshield or flaventior = speckled greenshield would have white pseudocyphellae (breaks in the surface), and both would produce red colour with hypochlorite.

Brightly coloured common city tree lichens (below) were already encountered on the white poplar by Avila center.

Fig 13-6 Orange Xanthomendoza (fallax if soralia present, hassiana if apothecia are present). Yellow lichen is the common Candellaria concolor again.
Fig 13-7 Complex mix of now familiar lichens?